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There's nothing more beautiful and exciting than witnessing true passion. Whether it's fashion (duh!), food, video games (though I must admit, it can be kindaaaa annoying when your bf seems to be more into video games than into you...but I digress), sports or whatever else it may be, it's the way one's eyes light up for me. And no, I don't mean just mere interest - I mean the kind of passion that makes you pour hours into it without regretting a second of it. The kind of passion that defies all logic, fear, obstacles or whatever else that may come in your way. It doesn't always come by but when it does, I think we can all recognize it.

Add hustle to that passion, you have magic. And when Minahil and Iman, two childhood best friends with shared love for vintage designer jewellery, came together and founded BLVTZuk, magic is exactly what happened.

BLVTZuk is a line of reworked designer jewellery that launched just a few weeks ago at the time of writing. If you haven't checked out BLVTZuk yet, what are you waiting for?? And pro tip - if something catches your eyes (bound to happen, you've been warned), act fast because each collection is a limited drop. Meaning once it's gone, it's gone forever.

I was first introduced to BLVTZuk when Minahil and Iman dm'ed me on IG. This was before the launch of BLVTZuk's first collection and the chic aesthetic of BLVTZuk's feed intrigued me, to say the least. But that aside, what really caught my attention was the dm itself. Y'all - I know sometimes dm's get a bad rep but at least for me, the art of dm ain't dead yet (unless you're a bot/spammer, in which case no thank you!). And I know that cold dm'ing someone out of the blue isn't always easy - I personally have mulled over a dm for hours before sending it, wondering if I'd get a response or how my dm would be perceived. But it was the ease with which Minahil and Iman seemed to have hit that "send" button that really impressed me. So obviously, I had to get to know these two women and boy, am I glad I did. Their FASHIONTale of true passion is so uplifting and something we could all use more of in our lives.

It's no secret at this point - the first thing I noticed about Minahil and Iman was their passion for what they do. No, they didn't outright come out and tell me that they were passionate about BLVTZuk and reworked designer jewellery, nor did they have to. It was plenty evident in the way they talked and the things they said.

So, how did it all begin? Well, for Minahil and Iman, it was quite simple actually. They have always been creative individuals but as they entered full-time studies, they started to feel like their creative parts were being neglected. One day, Minahil (who, by the way, is never seen without a statement piece of jewellery!) suggested that they start their own reworked designer jewellery line. As a former fashion blogger and jewellery lover, Iman loved the idea and well, they literally dove right into it. Within days, BLVTZuk was born!

"Stay true to your vision, even if you are the only one who sees it"

There's no elaborate or prolonged lead-up to the start of BLVTZuk. As I said, it's a simple story that can be summed up in one paragraph - and there's something so pure and beautiful about that. They didn't stop and wonder whether they had what it takes to start their own jewellery line. They didn't focus on the fact that they had never started a business before or that they are not jewellers by training - none of this matter to them anyway. They had the passion and were ready to start a line of their own that they could be proud of. If they didn't know something, they'd figure it out as they went.

Starting a business is no easy feat by any means and there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes. But Minahil and Iman have a knack for making it look real easy. That's not to say things always go their ways but rather, no matter what happens throughout the process, it's so minuscule in comparison to the amount of passion they carry. When asked about doubt or fear, they simply said they moved so quickly that they "didn't really have the time to think about anything that could hold [them] back." Again, so simple but so obviously telling of who Minahil and Iman are as fashionpreneurs.

As current Asia Pacific Studies and Chinese student and Finance student, Minahil and Iman, respectively, are working around the clock to make BLVTZuk work. But the thrill of doing something new and something that they have creative control over, fuelled by their passion keeps them going. With their mindset and focus, it seems as though sky is the limit for these two passionistas (get it? hah - sorry, I HAD to!).

all photos courtesy of BLVTZuk

And as I recount the FASHIONTale of Minahil and Iman, I can't help but think, that's the whole point (or at least should be the whole point) - to be so passionate about something in life that nothing else stands in your way. I challenge you this week to think about your passion and what it could become if you focused on it to the point where nothing else mattered.

With that, I'll leave you with a great piece of advice from Minahil and Iman:

"If you have an idea to start your own business just go for it! We understand that there is always going to be some sort of fear trying something new, whether its fear of it failing or fear of how your business may be perceived to others but the best thing you can do is put your fears aside and dive in headfirst. There really is no time like the present and you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity that you may regret!"

Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on the way you look at it, I suppose), life is constantly changing.

Seasons change - summer, I'm waiting for you! Trends come and go...and then come back - hello 90's trends! And well, try as we may, we can't quite defy the passage of time - touchy subject...

Then add to the mix the fact that we can't choose our circumstances. I mean, who would have thought that we'd be living through a world-wide pandemic... so then again, maybe it's a good thing that life constantly changes because this, too, shall pass but I digress.

All that is to say, there are so many things in life that are outside of our control. But that also doesn't mean that we have to be victim of the changes or circumstances of life. Just as Wilglory Tanjong of Anima Iris shows us, we CAN (and should) take charge of the narrative.

Wilglory Tanjong Anima Iris

Anima Iris, though a newcomer to the block, has been turning heads in just a short period of time with its timeless, luxury bags. It sort of came in with a bang and is "redefining luxury with Africa in its narrative." Handcrafted by artisans in Senegal following a made-to-order, zero-waste model, each style is inevitably a limited edition. The colours and details are just oh so gorgeous!

But here at Our FTALES, we care just as much about the FASHIONTale behind brands as we do about the goodies themselves, don't we? So let's dive right into Tanjong's FASHIONTale of Taking Charge of the Narrative.

Wilglory Tanjong of Anima Iris

Tanjong's resume is impressive to say the least. Princeton grad, Wharton MBA candidate, YouTuber, designer, fashion entrepreneur now featured in Vogue, Elle, Cosmo... And no, FTalers - though Tanjong has always loved fashion, she does not have formal fashion training. Yet another example that training isn't always required to follow your dreams...!

"Whenever something doesn't exist and I want it to exist, I will literally just go ahead and start it. I've always been a builder, which, by nature, has made me a founder."

After graduating from Princeton, Tanjong found herself in an operations management job that she was unhappy in. Recognizing this, she took charge of her situation and decided to take a 6-month leave. This is perhaps what I find the most impressive about Tanjong, even more so than her list of stacked accomplishments. It's not easy to give yourself the permission to leave the path you had been pursuing to explore other things in life. Nor is it easy to be so in tune with yourself to recognize that you're unhappy (it's a feeling we often tend to ignore) and have the courage to do something about it. But good thing she did because this is what eventually gave birth to Anima Iris.

During her 6-month break, Tanjong travelled throughout Africa and came across a bunch of entrepreneurs. This inspired her to start her YouTube series "African Hustle Series" which features various entrepreneurs doing all the cool things they do - not knowing that soon, she'd become a member of that Hustle club! She also made connections with artisans during her time in Dakar, Senegal. Inspired by their craftsmanship, Tanjong began collaborating with the artisans to make her envisioned handbags come to life. The intent was not to sell them at first - she was more so making them for herself as a creative outlet.

As her time in Africa drew to an end, Tanjong packed up and brought some of the handbags handcrafted by the artisans back home to the States as an effort to recover some of her travel expenses. Not surprisingly, people took notice of these pieces of luxury, which gave rise to Tanjong's realization that she could be the bridge between the untapped potential in Africa and the gap in the luxury market. She could, in fact, redefine luxury with Africa in the picture. So once again, Tanjong took charge and created what we now know as Anima Iris.

"I am motivated by a deep desire to fulfill my purpose in life. I feel like i wasn't put on this earth o make money or simply exist. I was put on this earth to do something really great. I feel like I'm achieving my purpose for me but also for all of the people relying on me to become who I'm meant to be so they can become who they are meant to be."

Tanjong is fulfilling her purpose in life through Anima Iris...for now. I say for now because she, by her very nature, is constantly evolving through and with life. Who knows what else she will add to her impressive list of accomplishments in the future?

As for Anima Iris, this is only the beginning. With Tanjong in charge, maybe the sky is the limit.

Anima Iris luxury brand
All photos courtesy of Anima Iris

As 2020 draws to an end, I can't help but reflect on what a year it has been (to say the least!). I know this year has been very difficult for all for a number of reasons. We've all had to adapt to this strange new "norm" and inevitably, missed out on so many of the "normal" things we used to take for granted pre-COVID. Oh how I miss those days... I don't know about you but one of the things I miss the most (aside from being able to see my friends/family whenever I want) is travelling. I'm a big sucker for culture and all the beauty embedded in it. And I love how it humbles me and gives me perspective - the world is so vast and the more I travel, the more I realize just how much more there is to see and learn. So, needless to say, I'm dying to be able to travel again and I'm sure many of you are too.

Ok, so what if I were to tell you that there's a way to see the beauties of the world without stepping foot on a plane? And even better yet, what if I were to tell you not only is there a way to see other parts of the world without travelling but there's also a way for you to keep a piece of it too? You'd say that's too good to be true but FTalers...would I really tease you and lead you astray like that? OF COURSE NOT!

Thanks to Hakima Al Said of HAK The Label and her beautiful FASHIONTale of transformation, you can enjoy that cultural experience and keep a piece of it for yourself without jetsetting (and yep, in your jammies in your living room). Hear me out!

Although Al Said grew up admiring jewelry worn by her mother and grandmother, she never initially set out to become a jewelry designer. In fact, she was a graphic designer by trade and it wasn't until Al Said serendipitously did graphics work for a jewelry designer in London that she fell in love with jewelry production process. As Al Said was exposed to various aspects and stages of jewelry making and well during this project, she became captivated and thought, why not her? So, with the knowledge she gained working for the London jewelry designer, Al Said transformed herself from a graphic designer to a jewelry designer.

"I think the right time is when something clicks inside of you and you just think yes, this is what I'm feeling, this is the challenge and journey I want to take."

In an interview with FACES, Al Said admits that the learning curve was big and that her process still involves trial and error. But she welcomes the challenge and by overcoming them, she constantly transforms herself into a better version of herself. I think it's her positivity and willingness to grow and change that makes Al Said a true boss babe!

But her transformative power does not stop with herself. It's involved in every piece of jewelry she designs. (Lucky for us jetsetters), Al Said, though Omani by nationality, grew up in a number of countries and continents and it's her early exposure to different cultures that she draws inspiration from in her design process. Her ever-so-gorgeous pieces are minimal enough to wear everyday but also bold enough to make a statement and most interestingly (at least for me), infuse cultural symbolisms.

"Through my brand, I like to translate my heritage and its values through meaningful designs, which defines the identity of HAK The Label."

Take her latest collection "Wahiba", for example. The whole line was inspired by the Wahiba Sands of Oman. The gold base symbolizes the sun's reflection on the golden sand and the angular shapes remind me of the rolling dunes - I mean...not that I've been but I imagine what they look like lol! The dainty moonstones and green Swarovski crystals used throughout reference the dessert moon and green oasis. I can only imagine how beautifully these pieces would glisten in the actual Wahiba Sands under the sun!!!! They reflect the Wahiba Sands just enough to give me a taste of the Wahiba Sands (and leave me wanting more).

HAK The Label pieces are the closest thing right now to being able to travel to Oman and you know what, I would gladly take them all!!!

In the wise words of Al Said:

"Jewelry represents so many things from self-expression and individuality to telling your story in a creative way."

And the dainty HAK The Label pieces tell Al Said's story so beautifully well and captures the essence of her FASHIONTale - her power to transform the beauties of this world into beautiful designs to be worn by all. Her fearless and continuous pursuit of transformation is truly inspiring!

all photos courtesy of HAK The Label

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