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MKay and Our FTales



Hi, it's me, MKay! I'm the storyteller behind Our FTales. In plain English, that means I'm a girl who is hopelessly in love with all things fashion. Fashion is a universal language we use to express ourselves, both as creatives/designers and as consumers. I'm also a girl who (not so) secretly craves more creativity in life than working in corporate. 


One day, I was scrolling through good ol' IG when I realized my feed was filled with product pics from brands I follow. It got me thinking, if fashion is a creation, who and where are the creators? Who are these brave souls who went after their dreams to create something so beautiful for me to drool over? Being the researcher that I'm, I rolled up my sleeves and dug in. And what did I find? Not fairytales, that's for sure. None of them (as far as I know) sat back and waited for the fairy godmother to show up and wave her magic wand. But I did find FASHIONTales: Beautiful, authentic and inspiring stories of boldness, overcoming self-doubt, fearlessness, hustle and making fashun happen. Stories you won't often know just by looking at the brands' websites/socials but stories that made me relate to them. And because of them, I found myself falling in love with and wanting to support the brands even more. These stories deserve to be told.


That was my lightbulb moment! My role in the fashion industry (aside from being a loyal consumer, duh!) is not to be a designer but to be a voice connecting brands with its consumers on deeper, more authentic and real level. Because when that connection happens, magic happens.

Why Your Story Matters

Oh the dreaded "About Us" page. For a storyteller, is it weird (or perhaps even hypocritical?) that I had a difficult time writing out this bio? Maybe. But I know that I'm not alone. Sure, we've become more "social" than ever but we struggle to talk about ourselves. I mean like really, truly about ourselves, like the struggles we've overcome, our origin, what we stand for... you know, the stuff that matters. This is clearly evidenced by thousands of half-as*ed "About Us" pages out there.


So if you are a designer/creative behind a fashion brand, you might be asking, does "About Us" page or the brand's so-called "story" even matter, especially in the fashion industry? Don't the products and designs speak for themselves? Absolutely - producing covet-worthy items matter. But (unless you've taken the approach of IDGAF, in which case, all the more power to ya) you must know that the industry is extremely saturated and FULL of noise. Brands NEED to stand out. And perhaps the best way to stand out is by letting your consumers get to know you, the human behind the brand, by telling your story. Designs can be copied but your stories, your experiences, your struggles, your wins and your DNA cannot. THAT, is the magic ingredient to your brand success. In the famous words of Seth Godin, "people do not buy things; they buy relations, stories and magic." Consumers, now more than ever, crave connection, so why not give it to them? Not sure where to start? Get in touch, let's chat! 

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